PHP Design patterns

PHP Design patterns is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concept that is now also used in Drupal 9 projects. With Drupal’s adoption of modern PHP and OOP concepts since version 8, design patterns can be leveraged for cleaner and more robust programming. In this article, we will discuss a few commonly used design patterns in PHP and how to use patterns like dependency injections in Drupal.

What are the design Pattern in PHP?

In software engineering, a Design Pattern is a general repeatable solution to commonly occurring problem in software Design. Good Object-oriented designs should be reusable, maintainable and extensible and Design Patterns in PHP could be very helpful in doing that. It does not only help in solving problems, it implies an optimal way addressing common challenges.

Why use PHP Design Patterns

Some of the most significant benefits of implementing design patterns in PHP are:

PHP Design patterns help solve repetitive problems faced during development

  • Using design patterns in PHP makes communication between designers and developers more efficient
  • You can be confident that other developers will understand your code since it follows design patterns
  • Following best practices helps build more robust applications
  • It helps make development faster and easier
  • Widely used Design Patterns in PHP

Design Patterns can be used in various situations to solve similar problems. There are more than 30 design patterns that can be broadly categorized into three types - Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns.

Creational Patterns: Design patterns that are used in object creation mechanisms, to create objects that can be decoupled from the system that implemented them.

Structural Patterns: This eases the design by identifying simple ways to realize relationships between entities 

Behavioral Patterns: They are used to manage relationships, responsibilities, and algorithms between objects. 

Factory Pattern

Adapter Pattern

PHP Singleton Pattern in PHP

Observer Pattern for PHP

Decorator Pattern for PHP



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