HTML Elements

A HTML component is characterized by a beginning tag. On the off chance that the component contains other substance, it closes with an end tag, where the component name is gone before by a forward slice as displayed underneath with not many labels −

<p>  This is section content. </p>

<h1> This is going content. </h1>

<div> This is division content. </div>

So here <p>....</p> is a HTML component, <h1>...</h1> is another HTML component. There are some HTML components which needn't bother with to be shut, for example, <img.../>, <hr/> and <br/> components. These are known as void components.

HTML records comprises of a tree of these components and they determine how HTML reports ought to be constructed, and what sort of happy ought to be set in which piece of a HTML report.

HTML Label versus Component

A HTML component is characterized by a beginning tag. On the off chance that the component contains other substance, it closes with an end tag.

For instance, <p> is beginning tag of a section and </p> is shutting tag of a similar passage yet <p>This is paragraph</p> is a section component.

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