HTML Links

HTML Links - Hyperlinks

You can tap on a connection and leap to another record.

At the point when you move the mouse over a connection, the mouse bolt will transform into a little hand.

Note: A connection doesn't need to be text. A connection can be a picture or some other HTML component!

HTML Links - Sentence structure

The HTML <a> tag characterizes a hyperlink. It has the accompanying grammar:

<a href="url">link text</a>

The main quality of the <a> component is the href trait, which shows the connection's objective.

The connection text is the part that will be apparent to the per user.

       Tapping on the connection message, will send the per user to the predetermined URL address.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1>HTML Links</h1>

<p><a href="">Visit!</a></p>



Of course, Links will show up as continues in all programs:

An unvisited connect is underlined and blue

A visited connect is underlined and purple

A functioning connection is underlined and red

Tip: Links can obviously be styled with CSS, to get another look!

HTML Links - The objective Quality

As a matter of course, the connected page will be shown in the ongoing program window. To change this, you should determine one more objective for the connection.

The objective quality indicates where to open the connected archive.

The objective property can have one of the accompanying qualities:

  • _self - Default. Opens the report in a similar window/tab as it was clicked
  • _clear - Opens the record in another window or tab
  • _parent - Opens the record in the parent outline
  • _top - Opens the archive in the full body of the window


Use target="_blank" to open the connected record in another program window or tab:

<!DOCTYPE html>



          <h2>The target Attribute</h2>

                 <a href="" target="_blank">Visit W3Schools!</a>

                <p>If target="_blank", the connection will open in another program window or tab.</p>



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