Learn PHP for the Beginners

 What is PHP?

PHP is an abbreviation for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
PHP is a generally utilized, open source prearranging language
PHP scripts are executed on the server
PHP is allowed to download and utilize
PHP is an astonishing and well known language!

It is sufficiently strong to be at the center of the greatest writing for a blog framework on the web (WordPress)!
Running enormous informal organizations is adequately profound!
It is likewise sufficiently simple to be a novice's most memorable server side language!

What is a PHP Document?

PHP documents can contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code
PHP code is executed on the server, and the outcome is gotten back to the program as plain HTML
PHP records have augmentation ".php"
What else is there to do?
PHP can create dynamic page content
PHP can make, open, read, compose, erase, and close documents on the server
PHP can gather structure information
PHP can send and get treats
PHP can add, erase, change information in your data set
PHP can be utilized to control client access
PHP can encode information
With PHP you are not restricted to yield HTML. You can yield pictures or PDF records. You can likewise yield any text, like XHTML and XML.

Why PHP?

PHP runs on different stages (Windows, Linux, Unix, Macintosh operating system X, and so forth.)
PHP is viable with practically all servers utilized today (Apache, IIS, and so forth.)
PHP upholds a great many information bases
PHP is free. Download it from the authority PHP asset: www.php.net.
PHP is not difficult to learn and runs proficiently on the server side
What's going on in PHP 7
PHP 7 is a lot quicker than the past well known stable delivery (PHP 5.6)
PHP 7 has further developed Blunder Dealing with
PHP 7 backings stricter Sort Announcements for capability contentions
PHP 7 backings new administrators (like the spaceship administrator: <=>)

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