Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.
PHP divides the operators in the following groups:
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Comparison operators
- Increment/Decrement operators
- Logical operators
- String operators
- Array operators
- Conditional assignment operators
PHP Arithmetic Operators
The PHP arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common arithmetical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.
Operator | Name | Example | Result |
+ | Addition | $x + $y | Sum of $x and $y |
- | Subtraction | $x - $y | Difference of $x and $y |
* | Multiplication | $x * $y | Product of $x and $y |
/ | Division | $x / $y | Quotient of $x and $y |
% | Modulus | $x % $y | Remainder of $x divided by $y |
** | Exponentiation | $x ** $y | Result of raising $x to the $y'th power |
PHP Comparison Operators
The PHP comparison operators are used to compare two values (number or string):
Operator | Name | Example | Result |
== | Equal | $x == $y | Returns true if $x is equal to $y |
=== | Identical | $x === $y | Returns true if $x is equal to $y, and they are of the same type |
!= | Not equal | $x != $y | Returns true if $x is not equal to $y |
<> | Not equal | $x <> $y | Returns true if $x is not equal to $y |
!== | Not identical | $x !== $y | Returns true if $x is not equal to $y, or they are not of the same type |
> | Greater than | $x > $y | Returns true if $x is greater than $y |
< | Less than | $x < $y | Returns true if $x is less than $y |
>= | Greater than or equal to | $x >= $y | Returns true if $x is greater than or equal to $y |
<= | Less than or equal to | $x <= $y | Returns true if $x is less than or equal to $y |
<=> | Spaceship | $x <=> $y | Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero, depending on if $x is less than, equal to, or greater than $y. Introduced in PHP 7. |